Applying for jobs on Kalibrr can be done with just a few clicks. Once you've found a job that you're interested in, click on the "Apply now" button.
Review your profile before submitting it to your employer to make sure you have all the information necessary to make a great first impression.
When you’re satisfied with your profile, scroll to the very bottom and click “Submit Profile.”
Some applications may have more steps than others. You can see which steps are necessary for this application in the progress bar on top.
When you begin an application you may be required to answer different questions or provide certain information. You might be required to type responses, record your voice, or upload documents.
If there are skills tests that are required for the application, you will go to the Skills Test portion. If you don’t have time to finish a test at the moment, you can continue it later. Make sure to return to finish a test, employers can make a quicker and more informed decision about your application if they have more information about you.
Once you've answered all the required questions in an application, it's time to wait for a response from the recruiter. You can go to your Applications section to check for your application status anytime.
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